Profit Accumulator V Profit Maximiser - which one is the best? This is a popular question amongst the matched betting community, and a question plenty have tried to answer.
Both are matched betting systems, so how different can they really be? Without giving away my version of the answer at the start of this blog post, there is an easy way to find out.
One system costs £1.20 to try out for 14 days - Profit Maximiser. One has a free trial, showing you how to cash out two free bets - Profit Accumulator.
So why not try them both yourself and see which one you prefer?
Profit Accumulator V Profit Maximiser
It's hard to say which is the better betting system, as both essentially do the same job. Both are matched betting, both have hundreds of pounds worth of bookmakers new customers offers listed, and both have daily reload offers from bookmakers.
The daily reload offers are the real money making offers. They are the bread and butter of matched betting, as they continue to make you risk free money long after you have cashed in the original new customers offer, and these offers ensure you continue to make risk free money on a daily basis, on nearly every day of the year!
Purchasing Options For Profit Maximiser And Profit Accumulator
As eluded too above, Profit Maximiser now has a £1.20 trial for two weeks (£1.00 + 20p Vat), while Profit Accumulator has a free trial.
For the grand total of £1.20 you can have a good look around both systems for a couple of weeks, and make your own mind up.
Which is a far better option, than having me trying to tell you which one is the best.
The full payment amount could help you decide which option you prefer to go with though.
In total, Profit Maximiser costs £116.40 for 12 months, while Profit Accumulator costs £150.00 for 12 months.
The alternative options are a monthly payment of £22.99 from Profit Accumulator, while Profit Maximiser has no monthly option.
Profit Maximiser Purchase Costs

After the initial two weeks Profit Maximiser Trial period, you will have to make a one off payment of £115.20 (you've already paid £1.20) for the remaining 11 and a half months of your subscription.
While with Profit Accumulator, you can make a one off payment of £150.00 for 12 months, after you have completed the free trial.
With Profit Accumualtor, you can cancel your monthly subscription at any time, so if you're still not 100% sure what to do after trying out both trial offers, the Profit Accumulator monthly option might be your best option.
That way, you still have the option to use it for as long as you want, but could quit the process after just one or two months.
This way you will only have spent £23.00 (one month) or £46.00 (for two months), rather than having forked out over one hundred quid up front for a year's subscription!
Profit Accumulator Purchase Costs

One word of caution, if you are going to go down the Profit Accumualtor monthly route, it would be well worth your while investing in the 12 months package.
It will cost you a hell of a lot more to buy 12 months of Profit Accumulator, if you purchase it on a monthly basis.
Buying Profit Accumulator up front for £150.00 for 12 months, is far cheaper than the monthly option, which works out at £275.88 (£22.99 x 12 months).
If you can't afford £150.00 up front, then maybe buy the monthly package. During the month, earn yourself one fifty. Then purchase the 12 months outright with the money you've made.
- Profit Maximiser - £1.20 Trial For 2 Weeks Here
- Profit Accumulator - Free Trial Cashing In Free Bets Up To £40.00
Which Betting System Is Better?
There really is no way of telling this. Look at the facts, and that is that the only real difference is the pricing structure.

So Profit Accumulator V Profit Maximiser, which is the better system?
Going back to what I wrote earlier, just try them both yourself. You have the opportunity to try them both out for just £1.20 in total, yes, just one pound and twenty pence.
The best bit about it is, that you will actually make money trying them both out. Profit Accumulator shows you how to cash in bets that will make you roughly £40.00 risk free.
At the same time, you are free to look around the Profit Maximiser members area, where you will find hundreds of pounds worth of free bets that can be cashed in.
Any money you make cashing them in, is yours to keep - whether you join the service permanently or not!
So not only do you have nothing to lose trying them out, you actually have plenty to gain. So here are the two links you need.......
- Profit Maximiser - £1.20 Trial For 2 Weeks Here
- Profit Accumulator - Free Trial Cashing In Free Bets Up To £40.00
...... so go on and give them a try. Do the Profit Accumulator V Profit Maximiser head-to-head for yourself, and make yourself some extra money at the same time.
What Is Profit Maximiser?
If you've ever wondered what Profit Maximiser is, then let me tell you. Profit Maximiser is a betting system that makes money from free bets, it's basically matched betting.
Matched Betting is a tried and tested technique. It makes money from the free bets you get from bookmakers when you open a new betting account.
It also makes money from free bets for existing customers. Basically, any free bet can be converted into risk free cash using the matched betting technique.
What Profit Maximiser does is bring you all these free bets in one place. It will show you how to extract the maximum amount of risk free cash from all these offers. This betting system basically does the work for you.
As well as finding you all the bookmaker's free bets, Profit Maximiser also shows you how to make money from spread betting offers, casino offers, and bingo offers.
Profit Maximiser Review
Please take the time to read our Profit Maximiser review, here we go into far more detail about how the system works.
In our review of Profit Maximiser you will see that it is a 12 months of the year betting system, and as long as you have a wi-fi connection and a bank account, you can do make it work for you.
There is currently a 14 day trial available, where you can get full member's access to the service for just £1.00 + Vat. If you don't like it, you cancel within the 14 days.
If you decide you like what you see, then you pay the remaining £96 + Vat, at the end of the 14 days.
With the 14 days trial, any money you make is yours to keep. If you get really busy, you might even manage to make all the subscription money required in the 14 days trial.
Either way, you have absolutely nothing to lose by trying the system out - it's only £1.20 in total. You never know, you might even like it. More details can be found in our full Profit Maximiser Review.